Tuesday, December 28, 2010

More Top Events in Medicine for 2010



The Western  Journal of Emergency Medicine published The Colorado Compendium on Emergency Medicine, available online here as a pdf file from PubMed.  It offers a one stop solution for important advances in emergency medicine.

It is authored by authorities in Emergency Medicine at University of Colorado, a major trauma center.

The article should be a must read for all those in training and also practicing ER physicians.

I have a bit of a personal interest in this subject, because I practiced ED medicine for five years prior to specializing. This was many years ago and it is gratifying to see how the American College of Emergency Physicians successfully navigated the road to board certification of this vital primary care safety net.

It punctuates the difficulties changing a system that is at times entrenched in past routines, and how entrenched organizations can stifle needed changes.

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