Saturday, December 25, 2010

The IHI Open School


Mention the name ‘Don Berwick’ and some physicians have a gut-wrenching feeling about him. He is the focal point and lightening rod as head of CMS due to his statements about the American Health System.

There is another side to this man’s achievements.  I think you will find this video interesting.

Will the Real Dr. Berwick please stand up

Most physicians who know Dr. Berwick will offer the opinion that he is getting a ‘bad rap’.  This is most likely due to his acceptance of the massive responsibility running CMS, and his famous speech in the U.K. washing out our ‘dirty laundry’ for the world to see.

Which one is the Real Don Berwick?

It remains to be seen if Dr. Berwick will make an impression on our health care financing bureaucracy.

In 1964 when Medicare started governmental intrusion in health care financing was limited to public health and insurance regulatory agencies. Now its’ Dr. Sam instead of Uncle Sam.  Benevolence or malevolence?  You decide. Tags: ,,

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