Monday, April 20, 2009


Recovery Dialogue:

IT Solutions
For one week beginning April 27th, The Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board and the Office of Management and Budget in partnership with the National Academy of Public Administration, will host a national online dialogue to engage leading information technology (IT) vendors, thinkers, and consumers in answering a key question:

What ideas, tools, and approaches can make a place where all citizens can transparently monitor the expenditure and use of recovery funds?

Participants from across the IT community will be able to recommend, discuss, and vote on the best ideas, tools, and approaches. Your ideas can directly impact how operates and ensure that our economic recovery is the most transparent and accountable in history. Mark your calendars and check back for the web link and additional information.

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New NIH Recovery Act Opportunity Seeks to Fund High Impact, Large-Scale, Accelerated Research

Monday, April 13, 2009

Goal to Promote Growth and Investment in Biomedical R&D, Public Health and Health Care Delivery

The National Institutes of Health highlighted a new funding opportunity under the Recovery Act that will support approximately $200 million in large-scale research projects that have a high likelihood of enabling growth and investment in biomedical research and development, public health and health care delivery. The purpose of this new program, the Research and Research Infrastructure "Grand Opportunities" (GO), is to support high impact ideas that lend themselves to short-term funding and may lay the foundation for new fields of scientific inquiry.

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