Sunday, April 26, 2009

11 Classic blog posts on EMR adoption

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail."
~ Confucius


KevinMD posts a summary 11 classic posts since 2004 on electronic medical records.  Some of these are still valid. However, there seems to be a gradual but definite shift towards HIT adoption.

1. The low adoption rate of electronic records
2. Will physicians sacrifice for the future of health IT?
3. How to fund electronic medical records wisely
4. Medical students who are used to electronic records
5. Funding electronic medical records and bailing out the Big Three automakers
6. Do electronic medical records really reduce malpractice risk?
7. Do electronic medical records lead to fraudulent documentation?
8. Are hospitals the primary beneficiaries of the health IT stimulus?
9. How the widespread adoption of electronic medical records can raise health care costs
10. Are poor products to blame for the slow adoption of EMRs?
11. Op-ed: Why doctors still balk at electronic medical records

Now HIT funding and adoption seems inextricably woven into the fabric of the "stimulus package".  Healthcare now has additional responsibilities that go way beyond patient care.  Healthcare now accounts for a significant portion of the GDP, and is now the recipient of "stimulus" money at the taxpayer's largesse. Thus adds to the chaos and dysfunction of taking care of 'a patient'.

It now becomes more difficult for the doctor to make correct treatments for the patient, since he now has to worry about how his decisions and orders effect overall health budgets.  


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