Regina Holliday brings to life in her art work much of the confusion in healthcare and the misery and heartache it brings to patients.
If you have been to a medical meeting she is the lady in the back intently painting her reaction to the subject of the meeting. I’ve known about Regina Holliday for several years. Although we have never met, I hope someday to meet her, I feel I know her well and her family as well.
I want to share her latest art work which she has shared on her Facebook pages.
Here are some of her paintings, and her comments:
Halloween night:
“I boarded an Airplane at 7:30pm at Regan National on October 31st still wearing my Wizard’s Robes. I spoke the next morning before the folks at OCHIN. My Presentation was called Trick or Treat, and I wove references to Halloween throughout the speech.
I then began to paint. I painted in two sessions in the morning. The painting is called: “50%.”
I saw the first presentation “Integrating Mental Health into Primary Care,” delivered by Tami Hoogestraat, Psy. D., M.B.A. and Demetrio Sanchez, MSW-OHSU, Richmond Mental Health Integration Team. I was very impressed by their slides. An early one really caught my eye with its statistic: “50% of mental health problems are missed in primary care.”
“In this painting the patient is divided in half just like our statistic. Half in darkness half in light he clutches his medical home. The medical home is colored like and reminiscent of a Monopoly house. It is an ideal but will not work without a supported reimbursement model. “
To the left of our figure the spider web diagram of integrated care places the patient in the center. But this no comforting circle enclosing clinical text. Here the patient looks up staring at the viewer whilst frightened. Practitioners that are trying to care for him surround him. I added other threads crossing the path of the diagram to the other care agents and detriments in the man’s life, be they friends, foes or family.”
Here patients race up a stairs trying to make their appointment time. A mother glances nervously at her watch as she hurries her child up the stairs. A doctor waits at the top reaching out to the registered patients with one hand. In the other he hoists a rope that ends in a watch. A patient in an examination robe strenuously climbs the rope. She is not scheduled but direly needs care, and the doctor is trying to fit her in, hence the term advanced access.
I decided to take the OCHIN logo and modify it to a Meaningful Use Sun image. So a logo tree becomes the tree of knowledge, weighted heavily with apples. Surrounding this tree are dots. But these dots have become faces, just as much as data points and statistics represent real people. These are the patients and providers creating the workflows for Meaningful Use.”
All are Vivid paintings in which many issues are illustrated, and which actually don’t require words for the admirer to understand. It speaks to me.