Saturday, November 26, 2011

Social Media Update for HTE


Update on the Blog Format and Widget Add-ons:

Readers may notice I have re-instituted the “Feedjit” feed. I did not realize how useful it was in tracking who tracks me. I have missed it. It opens a new social media tool for true personal communications with those with similar interests.  I do attempt to reply to all who email, tweet, friend, circle me on G+. During December I will be filtering my responses to those who have not responded to  me in the past year. I know how busy you all are, and I am sure those readers will not miss me. If  you have followed me in the past six months and want to be retained contact me. 

2011 has been an eventful year, like 2010,2009, and beyond. For those of you who blog and/or do SM it is never a dull moment. For me it is a breath of fresh air to belong to the SM stream. (it saves a lot on gas). Look for me on my favorite venue, Google Hangouts.  I can be found almost at any time between patients, surgeries, and my regular time is at 6PM PDT Thursdays.

Googlel + Hangout Example: Live Stream from KOMU Lecture at University Journalism Class


I can also be found frequently on KOMU’s NBCs news casts with Sarah Hill each morning. Circle Sarah Hill or Me on Google + and receive an invite to attend and/or participate. (only 9 get in so join early as soon as you see the invite.  I try to post the hangout a few minutes early on  twitter. Search for my tweet at #glevin1 If you cannot join the hangout there is often a live stream on #glevin1 

This year I will continue my ‘rants” on healthcare reform, and introduce new media for bloggers, a series of Google + hangouts which will include several prominent health bloggers. I also invite you to apply to participate in this ground breaking  health cares social media #chasm on twitter.

Topics may range from health reform to expert opinions on patient advocacy, participatory medicine,  and we also may introduce a ‘TED SM

In all it will be another exciting year in #chasm. I am looking for a global presence in participation.

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