Saturday, October 29, 2011

Valley of the Dry Bones??

Today I am redirecting Health Train Express to “The View from Here”, another web site which I reserve for opinion on current events in medicine and in other socio-political controversy. Join me in a different kind of rant.

The fork in the road leads us the choice of which desert landscape we will proceed to from here.  In the far distance lies the mountain,

This photograph was taken in 2003 while residing near Palm Springs in Desert Hot Springs.  It was a unique time in my life while recovering from a heart surgery and a spine problem.

Disconnected from most concerns of modern times it brought me back to pioneer times. There were several old abandoned miner communities where we lived in a primitive cement block house on a sand dune.

Dry Gulch Road  Desert Hot Springs, CA 2003      Lower House

The View From Here

My spouse called this place “The Valley of The Dry Bones” (Ezekiel, 37:1-14)

Is America, like Israel in the Valley of the Dry Bones ? 

No one can quite explain why we are in this place of dysfunction and chaos despite what some of the supposedly brightest men who speak without wisdom tell us.

The problems are deeper than financial balance sheets, or political correctness. The Occupiers on Wall Street seem to know this to be true. So our educational system despite critics must be doing something right, or perhaps they are so ineffective in brainwashing our young people that their common sense can tell them right from wrong.

Health Train Express cannot exist in the present economic morass and social upheaval of “Occupy Wall Street” and the events of the past decade leading to our present stagnant economy and our morale, without rendering an opinion of an ‘old physician"’

The opportunity to introduce and give a head start to my other blog from Health Train Express is important because regardless of mandates by Obama care it is doubtful the mandates can or will be implemented in full.

Today I am redirecting Health Train Express to “The View from Here”, another web site which I reserve for opinion on current events in medicine and in other socio-political controversy.  Join me in a different kind of rant.

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