Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Word About SERMO


I had a bit of a surprise email from SERMO this week. HealthTrain received a prize, no it was not monetary, something even nicer…some recognition for all the early morning wakeups to post prior to the clinical load for the day.

It’s in the form of a ‘badge’ (of honor?).  It will be displayed on the right hand side of the ‘widgets’.


It gave me an urge to look back in HealthTrain’s Archives to read  observations HealthTrain expressed in mid 2010. :

What hath Sermo Wrought?

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Posted by gmlevinmd123 on June 29, 2010 - 01:06PM EDT
Author Specialties: Ophthalmology, Geriatrics

Sermo represents the best of what Matt Holt of The Health Care Blog calls 'Health  2.0'.   While some aspects of Health 2.0 are 'consumer oriented' (ie, patient oriented) Sermo has offered a network for physicians. Originally conceived as a medium for feedback from physicians regarding treatments and diagnoses, it has evolved into something much more than that.

Especially noteworthy is the cross-specialty open access to information which might not be immediately available to readers.

Some have  used the SERMO platform to seek out consultations in regard to difficult cases, or recommend treatments in response to requests from other physicians.

Others have chosen to use the SERMO platform to serve social issues, political discord, and at times allows physicians to vent and share other serious concerns.

Many comments are made in the forum that are controversial, and open to inquisitive minds and scholarly thought.

A certain banter has developed on SERMO, ( a virtual forum) humor, sarcasm, and all that human interaction one would expect at a real social occasion.  I as well as others look at SERMO daily as a routine, much like stopping by the Doctors Lounge to chat, gripe, find out who did what and to whom, and then continue the daily routine.

At times the level of discussion becomes quite academic along with references to  peer reviewed articles, and at time quite anecdotal....Frequently SERMO regulars await responses from others who have become close and respected colleagues.

As a relative old timer it keeps me current with our future generation of physician leaders, and also allows me to mentor in whatever way I can.

For physicians in relatively isolated practices it serves a commendable purpose.

The evidence is in regarding SERMO. It has played a unique role in Health Care Reform. While we still have much to accomplish, SERMO has earned national recognition in the media, and has also stimulated the AMA to become more relevant. SERMO has chastised the AMA for it's false impression that they represent physicians. At one time this may have been true, and hopefully physicians will come together in one forum to represent us all.

However just as in national and local politics, we all do not agree, and the difference in opinion are what makes us all the same.

My best wishes for continuing success to SERMO and all of us.

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