Friday, April 1, 2011

HHS Change of Command


Kathleen Sebelius is stepping away from her present position of Secretary of  Health and Human Services, and Obama’s crusade for Health Reform.  Why? In the next week we will hear many reasons.

Why is this Lady smiling??

Let’s go through the littany of reasonable explanations, that are all politically correct. I assign no  specificity to this news, however here is the usual boilerplate form  stored in each personel file of indiviuals hired by the government.(on the day they are hired)

1 I regret  having to inform you that due to personal and family (or  health related) issues I must step aside from my position. I have enjoyed working with you, and wish you every success with your ongoing endeavor.

2. In lieu  of being terminated, I resign.

3. The specifications and duties of my position are not as what was described in your position offering.

Mrs. Sibelius stepped into an almost impossible situation, given the change of administration, the ensuing debate over health-reform, and the consequent mandates placed upon the Secretary of Health and Human Services.  The scope of the project exceeded that of putting a man on the moon.  Congress did not read the legislation, let alone the fine print.  There are no less than 1000 ‘the secretary shall…….”in the law.  The ensuing reaction of the electorate was deafening.

Mrs. Sebelius’ background, education and work record is exemplary. As a former Governor of Kansas (2002-2010). she dealt with serious budget challenges, 

In 2001 Sebelius was named as one of Governing Magazine's Public Officials of the Year while she was serving as Kansas Insurance Commissioner.

In November 2005, Time named Sebelius as one of the five best governors in America, praising her for eliminating a $1.1 billion debt she inherited, ferreting out waste in state government, and strongly supporting public education – all without raising taxes, although she proposed raising sales, property, and income taxes. The article also praised her bipartisan approach to governing, a useful trait in a state where Republicans have usually controlled the Legislature.

In February 2006, the White House Project named Sebelius one of its "8 in '08," a group of eight female politicians who could possibly run and/or be elected president in 2008.

In 2009, Forbes named Sebelius the 57th most powerful woman in the world.  In 2010, Forbes named Sebelius the 23rd most powerful woman in the world.

In reviewing her qualifications for Head of HHS, the only relevant health  item is her stand regarding abortion.(pro-abortion)u

Sebelius was doomed from the start, but exhibits fortitude in facing down considerable and credible opposition to the Obama plan for health reform. The Tags: ,,

However the majority of the implementation falls squarely on the Head of HHS. 

Thus far President Barak Obama’s selection to lead the most powerful institutions in American Medicine have been spectacular failures. Don Berwick will most likely be leaving rather than facing a heated congressional hearing.

The Opinions expressed here are solely the property of the author.


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