Thursday, January 6, 2011

Health Train Leaves the Station (again)


The Health Train Express is moving once again, leaving the not so grand central terminal. 

The 112th Congress, 1st session has commenced, with another full plate regarding unraveling Obama care The first day consisted mostly of procedural matters.

Early today Speaker John Boehner had this to say early this morning regarding Obama care in preparation for the upcoming debate on new legislation to repeal all or parts of Obama care.  The discussion and vote which were to have taken place this week is to be postponed due to a procedural delay designed by Democratic opponents of repeal.

Speaker John Boehner ®


Greg Scandlen posted his “Welcome Freshman'” lecture to the  neophytes, and newbies in congress about the disastrous Obama care law.

My comments are (Yogi Berra), “It isn't over until it’s over.) We physicians must continue our opposition to this law, but not the goal of expanding health care coverage to many more of our citizens, and improving outcomes, reducing cost by increasing efficiency and reducing mindless bureaucracy.

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