Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pomegranate Juice, What is ??

The Wall Street Journal reports an impending battle between the marketers of Pomegranate Juice and the Food and Drug Administration.  In their report which contains this video clip

POM  vs.. The FTC


The FTC official who has accused the company (which Resnick runs with her husband Stewart) of making false health claims about the beverage has gone “crazy” on this issue and is a “zealot,” as she says in the WSJ today. She says unlike other major food producers, the company won’t back down from the spat — let’s call it a battle, at this point — in part because her husband hates “bullies.”

Now would it not be wonderful if we “impotent physicians took a lesson from this company.  They have done the research, and it is going to be up to the FTC and perhaps the FDA to disprove their ‘preventive nutritional product”.   I see lots of federal dollars being appropriated to perform an official trial. More wasted taxpayer dollars !

At a time when CMS and all the insurers are beating their chests about outcomes and prevention it once again points out the schizophrenia of HHS.

To the Resnicks I say thank you ….All of us should. This will be a landmark case.  It took awhile for ‘allopathic medicine to catch on to the benefit of omega 3 fatty acids and it’s role in immunology.

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