Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Health 2.0

This week Health 2.0 is ongoing in Washington, D.C.  Another kudo to Matt Holt and Indu who had this visionary idea to promote many web based consumer directed systems for health education.

The Health 2.0 Show with Indu & Matthew, June 1 from Health 2.0 on Vimeo.

Much of this meeting will be broadcast via webinars. Much of the functionality of these systems meets the ONC's requirement to meet their definition of meaningful use.

So its seems the market power for meaningful use overpowers governmental edicts for funding.  The feds are already behind in implementation for ONCHIT.

One of the innovative sites is a cooperative agreement between the FDA. CDC, NIH and the National Library of Medicine. This new solution is called "PILLBOX".   It offers readibly accessible information about pill identification in a user friendly format. The information is extracted from NLM, NIH, FDA, and CDC databases.

Pillbox (beta) can be accessed via the web. It is still in a prototype release with limited functionality.

Another exciting application in development is a telephone accessible voice recognition tree to identify a pill. It is demonstrated in the webinar from Health 2.0.

Much of this information is available on either PDAs or Smartphones using downloadable applications.

All in all the rest of this week in D.C. should be exciting with many new Health 2.0 applications.  Enjoy the show!!

Now, along a slightly different track on the Health Train Express is information about Governmental transparency... If health information is going to be more transparent, then perhaps so should governmental policy.

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