Monday, May 10, 2010

Health Train Makes the Rounds

Okay I was a bit syrup, and emotional yesterday, but we all have our days.

Today we will feast upon a round of the health blogosphere. We will go where no man has gone before, and perhaps discover new forms of life and brave new worlds.  Buckle up buddy,  and prepare!  I also issue a disclaimer that these opinions are not that of Blogger, Microsoft, Apple, no myself.   I am not certain that Intel and AMD were not involved in this opinion.


I' ll start today at Dr J's Housecalls, a physician who seems to be trapped in rural North Carolina. This blogger has a real fixation on events some years ago which terminated her dream of serving her birthplace; a bit like Don Quixote and his windmills.  Although her enemies do seem real and the events quite probable, her intensity remains unaltered.  I genuinely feel her pain having been through similar but less intense events in my career.

On to a more positive blog by "The Happy Hospitalist" who seems to live a  balanced life despite being a hospitalist. Perhaps the regular hours offset working for a hospital and/or administrators. He also most likely has good relationships with his referring physicians who also most likely thank their stars for his help whilst they attend to their offices and/or clinics.  I like his Italian greyhounds, Marty and Cooper...Mrs Happy must be a happy camper.

Buckeye Surgeon is also one of my favorites, although he seems to write in spurts, and Surgeon's Blog has mostly been replaced by Cutting Through The Crap.  Surgeon's blog is worth reading through the archives, because a great deal of Sid's writing are timeless (but not odorless).

Dr Wes corresponds on a varietyof topics, ranging from cardiac electrophysiology, to reimbursement issues as well as his thoughts, and opinions ranging from The Vanishing Oath, Computer hijinx, to The Top Ten Reasons to be a Doctor.

Edwin Leap is a nice blend of spirituality, life in the ER with bizarre patients, family vacations, and his 'formophobia'. NPs, PAs and RN PhDs beware...sign your own charts.

The Health Care Blog written by Matt Holt is always a great combination of writing by consultants, insurers, doctors, and I envy his traveling to international Health 2.0 conferences. on everyone else's dime.  What a great scheme; and all concerned get to write it off.

KevinMD likewise alternates between interesting medical cases, doctor attitudes and philosophies and also g uest bloggers. Kevin Pho has a long following and is one of the original well known and often quoted bloggers in other venues.

Musings of a Distractible Mind carries with it a dose of humor, Zippy, the Golden Llama Award (which has not been seen lately) and the author of The House Call Doctor

Placebo Journal Blog, Medical Humor with a Purpose a video musical production blending the best of new media, cartoon humor and vaudeville....carry on PlaceboJournal.

And last but not least; Medinnovation Blog the musings of a retired pathologist, who really does understand primary care.

I could go on and on, and don't be offended if I did not include your wonderful blog.......but duty calls.

Quote of the Day:
The depth and the willingness with which we serve is a direct reflection of our gratitude.
--Gordon T. Watts

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