John Hamlaka, M.D. the Chief Information Officer at Harvard Medical School and the Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital has "donated" his genome for the PGP (personal genome project.
It is now in a public space, accessible to anyone who can read AGTC code.
Audio transcript--John Hamlaka M.D.
Thought Leader #2--David Altshuler
I took a wrong turn surfing looking for blog material and happened upon these wonderfully informative daring innovators
Listen to the will need either iTune or Windows media player.
Episode 1- The Science of Social Networks--Audio
Episode 2- The Secrets of Aging--Audio
Episode 3- The Art of Perception--Audio
Episode 4- And Coverage for all ? --Audio
Episode 5- Striving for Global Health--Audio
Episode 6- Your Genome, Your Future--Audio
You may find the accompanying text from Harvard Medical Labs here.