Quote of the day:
'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt. - Abraham Lincoln
Now and then Matt Holt will publish opinions and revelations that are truly 'aha' and are 'I thought of that, why didn't I write it?
True to this idea were the latest comments on his blog, THCB. Uwe Reinhardt, who is well known in health care policymakers circles, authored a report for New Jersey Governor Tom Corzine
(photo is clickable,, for details)
regarding the state of health care in New Jersey.
The bottom line of this report, which Governor Corzine asked not be published was " Who in their right mind would design a healthcare system revolving around employment? Enthoven and Fuchs (Health Aff (Millwood). 2006 Nov-Dec;25(6):1538-47), review the rapid growth of plans for the 3 decades following world war II, their peak and decline in the 1980s.