Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It's Not all in the DATA

Quote of the day:
For a list of all the ways technology has failed to improve the quality of life, please press three. - Alice Kahn

I was sent a survey last week from the Harvard Business School, by Julia Adler-Milstein, of the Harvard Business School.  It was a query on the status of the Inland Empire HIE, or RHIO.

It was an online 'Survey Monkey' which one the surface looked nice, simple format and was enjoyable to fill out. My first, second and third attempts resulted in an error message. I gave up in frustration, but did email JAM that it didn't work. (no reflection of  HIT, here.  I was sent another link which did work well.

At the end of the day  I sent along an email with some attached comments.... I appreciated her response to my 'footnotes'.


"Thank you Gary. I'm relieved that it worked and very much appreciate you taking the time to add "footnotes", which, for those us in the academic world, are very helpful to understand some of the details that aren't easily seen in the data. I'll check out your blog too!"

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