Jay Parkinson MD practices family medicine and pediatrics in Williamsburg,Brookly, N.Y. His approach to health information exchange has been to use it to revolutionize medical practice using commonly available software and special proprietary software to increase information to patients that most physicians leave to their staff, at considerable expense. Judging from the comments on his web site, this has produced commentary ranging from "ridiculous" to "way to go Jay"
Young physicians are not thoroughly indoctrinated in the "business of medicine" They are idealistic and want to transform medical practice. Some of us "older folks" (myself excluded) have systems set up that we have become comfortable using, even if they don't work as well as we might think. It's hard to invest a lifetime of education and practice and at the end realize it no longer works well. The "younger generation" who I anoint with the term "generation T" (which stands for technology) should be encouraged to innovate. The system will pick and chose what thrives and what fails. It will be along hard road to overcome entrenched systems. Universal payor may simplify and further entrench outmoded system.
Dr Parkinson offers the following video excerpt. In the tradition of ER, Nip and Tuck, I like to call this "Street Doc"