Sunday, December 23, 2007


In a recent article from "DATA WATCH"  Adler, et al have surveyed the activity, success and failure rate of RHIOs across the United States.  The article can be found at "Health Watch".

Electronic clinical data exchange promises substantial financial and societal
benefits, but it is unclear whether and when it will become widespread. In early 2007 we
surveyed 145 regional health information organizations (RHIOs), the U.S. entities working to
establish data exchange. Nearly one in four was likely defunct. Only twenty efforts were of
at least modest size and exchanging clinical data. Most early successes involved the exchange
of test results. To support themselves, thirteen RHIOs received regular fees from
participating organizations, and eight were heavily dependent on grants. Our findings raise
concerns about the ability of the current approach to achieve widespread electronic clinical
data exchange. [Health Affairs 27, no. 1 (2008): w60–w69 (published online 11 December
2007; 10.1377/hlthaff.27.1.w60)]

The appeal of electronic health information exchange (HIE) in general, and
RHIOs in particular, is evident. An electronic, interconnected regional infrastructure
represents the rational approach to handling the volume and specificity of
health-related information required to efficiently deliver optimal care, particularly
in information-intensive specialties

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