Undoubtedly we will see some form of compromise and legislating 'Health Care Reform". Whether it will truly be a health care reform will be open to debate. Let's face, it seeking perfection is anathema to seeking improvement. Never let perfection obstruct improvement in the status quo. Charlie Rose interviews Friedman.
NRO, National Review Online report from Grace-Marie-Turner reflects the following.
Further, endorsements by the AARP and the American Medical Association
have been largely discredited as reflecting more the narrow interest of those organizations than the will of their members.
Readers should do their part by contacting the following representatives who are most likely to influence health reform decisions.
Key Senator Contacts for Health Care ‘Reform’ Bill
State Senator D.C. Phone # D.C. Fax # State Office Phone # State Office Fax #
AR Blanche Lincoln (2010) 202 224 4843 202 228 1371 501 375 2993 501 375 7064
PA Arlen Specter (2010) 202 224 4254 202 228 1229 215 597 7200 215 597 0406
IN Evan Bayh (2010) 202 224 5623 202 2281377 317 554 0750 317 554 0760
OR Ron Wyden (2010) 202 224 5244 202 228 2717 503 326 7525 503 326 7528
LA Mary Landrieu 202 224 5824 202 224 9735 504 589 2427 504 589 4023
NE Ben Nelson 202 224 6551 202 228 0012 402 441 4600 402 391 4725, 402 476 8753
ND Kent Conrad 202 224 2043 202 224 7776 701 232 8030 701 232 6449
DE Tom Carper 202 224 2441 202 228 2190 302 573 6291 302 573 6434
CO Michael Bennet (2010) 202 224 5852 202 228 5036 303 455 7600 303 455 8851
CA Barbara Boxer (2010) 202 224 3553 202 224 0454 213 894 5000 202 224 0357
AR Mark Pryor 202 224 2353 202 228 0908 501 324 6336 501 324 5320
CO Mark Udall 202 224 5941 202 224 6471 303 650 7820 303 650 7827
CT Joe Lieberman (Indpndt) 202 224 4041 202 224 9750 860 549 8463 860 549 8477
VA Mark Warner 202 224 2023 202 224 6295 804 775 2314 804 775 2319
VA Jim Webb 202 224 4024 202 228 6363 804 771 2221 804 771 8313
MT Jon Tester 202 224 2644 202 224 8594 406 449 5401 406 449 5462
VE Bernard Sanders (Indpndt)202 224 5141 202 228 0776 800 339 9834 802 860 6370
MO Claire McCaskill 202 224 6154 202 228 6326 314 367 1364 314 361 8649
ME Olympia Snowe (Rep) 202 224 5344 202 224 1946 207 874 0883 207 874 7631
ME Susan Collins (Rep) 202 224 2523 202 224 2693 207 780 3575 207 828 0380
To obtain all the required contact information for these senators, go to www.congressmerge.com/onlinedb/ (put this address in your favorites). When you are on the home page, just click the link Find who represents you in Congress. Go to the state of interest and you quickly get the information on every Representative and Senator by clicking on their respective state. You can copy and paste their office address in Washington, D.C. and their home district or state into your letters (with adjustments in fonts) and obtain or check their email addresses and the phone and fax numbers.
Compose your letters (cutting and pasting, inserting correct addresses, names, etc.) and fax them out! www.myfax.com is a quick, easy and inexpensive service for sending many faxes quickly by email, not fax machine!!!